Gruppo Romi FIR.4747 Italian Renaissance - Flush Pull

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The projection of measured shapes, mathematical truth and formal beauty became conjoined in the minds of Renaissance artists. The discovery of perspective in art and architecture changed the way artists perceived and depicted human life. The word Renaissance refers to the revival of ancient Rome and classical antiquity. The use of mythical animals from classical times involving a delicate perception of their charm in a way still twigged with medieval romance is very much present during the Renaissance period. The use of classical motifs, profusion of floral ornaments, the use of small animals, arabesques (floral motifs completely symmetrical with the shape of a candelabra) and grotesques (designs derived from antiquity discovered in Rome in the XV th. Century where the symmetry present in the arabesques disappears) as well as mythological creatures are some of the repertory used in terms of design along with high and low relief carvings.


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