Legacy Manufacturing 5848S-BK Kerf Gasketing, Black Silicone

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Details: Legacy Manufacturing 5848S-BK Kerf Gasketing, Black Silicone

Kerf Gasketing is customizable and specifiable. Kerf gasketing products are mainly used on wooden frames. These products are primarily extruded in silicone and can, therefore, be extruded in multiple different colors. Legacy's kerf gasketing is used to protect the opening against water, draft, and sound.

Competitor Equivalent


Materials / Colors

Black Silicone

Materials / Specifications

  • Silicone with 3M PSA - Pressure Sensitive Adhesive

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

5848S-BK12 12"
5848S-BK24 24"
5848S-BK36 36"
5848S-BK42 42"
5848S-BK48 48"
5848S-BK60 60"
5848S-BK72 72"
5848S-BK84 84"
5848S-BK96 96"
5848S-BK108 108"
5848S-BK120 120"
5848S-BK132 132"
5848S-BK144 144"


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Legacy Manufacturing 5848S-BK Kerf Gasketing, Black Silicone

Legacy Manufacturing 5848S-BK Kerf Gasketing, Black Silicone

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