Reduced price! Amerock BP3413 BP341326 Round Knob Allison Value Hardware View larger


Amerock BP3413 BP341326 Round Knob Allison Value Hardware


Bright Chrome
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15% Off



Details: Amerock BP3413 BP341326 Round Knob Allison Value Hardware

The most important piece of cabinet hardware, the knob! The Amerock BP3413 Round Knob Allison Value Hardware is both beautiful and functional, coming in a variety of styles and finishes to match any room.

From rustic to modern-day casual to sophisticated beauty, the Allison Value Hardware collection offers a variety of designs, making on-trend, quality hardware affordable.


Polished Brass
Primary Dimension
1 1/2
0.05 lbs

About Amerock

Amerock Hardware believes that everyone should have the freedom to express their personal style at a price that makes it possible. Since 1929, Amerock has been a trend setter in the decorative hardware market, consistently creating solutions that inspire, coordinate and express personal style throughout the home. Amerock offers a full line of cabinet and drapery hardware, wall plates, hooks, and an entire line of bathroom specific hardware. As a member of the Piedmont Hardware Group, Amerock promises quality, service and innovation as they seek to make your design dreams a reality.

Amerock Allison Value Collection

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

Model/SKU Attributes
BP34133 Bright Brass
BP341326 Bright Chrome


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Amerock BP3413 BP341326 Round Knob Allison Value Hardware

Amerock BP3413 BP341326 Round Knob Allison Value Hardware

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