RKI CP CP 871 RB 87 Wavy Contoured Pull with Lines

CP 871 RB

Oil Rubbed Bronze
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Details: RKI CP CP 871 RB 87 Wavy Contoured Pull with Lines

A cabinet pull from RK International not only looks good, it also feels good. Give your cabinets and hands the feeling of luxurious and high quality design with the RKI CP 870 Wavy Contoured Pull with Lines.


0.25 lbs
3 7/8"
1 1/8"
Finish Options
Antique English, Distressed Copper, Distressed Nickel, Satin Nickel (Pewter), Polished Nickel, Oil Rubbed Bronze

About RK International

RK International offers a wide range of decorative cabinet hardware, appliance pulls and bathroom accessories. Since 1985 RKI has supplied the industry with solid brass decorative hardware at great prices considering the high quality of the hardware. Designed, fabricated and finished by master craftsmen, the quality of RKI's manufacturing is without question. Offering a range of styles like ornate, contemporary, vintage, and traditional in more than 7 impressive finishes, you're sure to find the perfect fit for your home with RK International.

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

CP 871 AE 3-1/2", Antique English
CP 871 DC 3-1/2", Distressed Copper
CP 871 DN Distressed Nickel, 3-1/2"
CP 871-P Satin Nickel, 3-1/2"
CP 871 PN 3-1/2", Polished Nickel
CP 871 RB 3-1/2", Oil Rubbed Bronze
CP 870 AE Antique English, 3"
CP 870 DC Distressed Copper, 3"
CP 870 DN Distressed Nickel, 3"
CP 870-P Satin Nickel, 3"
CP 870 PN 3", Polished Nickel
CP 870 RB 3", Oil Rubbed Bronze


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RKI CP CP 871 RB 87 Wavy Contoured Pull with Lines

RKI CP CP 871 RB 87 Wavy Contoured Pull with Lines

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