Schwinn Hardware 59069 3793 Tab Pull


Bright Chrome
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Details: Schwinn Hardware 59069 3793 Tab Pull

Material: Aluminum

Fully Recyclable

Meets RoHS Standards

ADA Compliant: No

Ships in 24 hours


Length: 2" (51mm)
Width: 1-7/16" (37mm)
Height: 5/16" (8mm)
Projection: 13/16" (21mm)
Hole Spacing: 1-1/4" (32mm)


Available Model Numbers and Combinations

Model/SKU Attributes
59068 Satin Nickel
59069 Bright Chrome
59070 Matte Chrome
59071 Bright Nickel Plated


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Schwinn Hardware 59069 3793 Tab Pull

Schwinn Hardware 59069 3793 Tab Pull

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